
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Revelations from the Holy One : Behold

While mulling over the Great Commission the other day the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation. I could probably write a book on the Great Commission, and although I'm very passionate about it, the part that God illuminated was the last piece of verse 20.

"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

This is the first command that Jesus gives His disciples after rising from the grave.

He is God.

He has risen.

Death could not hold Him. He has done it. He fulfilled His promises. All the prophecies. This Jewish Man. He is the Holy One. The Messiah. The Son of God.

I imagine they were trembling in fear and awe, hanging on every word that was about to pour from their Messiah's mouth.
He begins to speak and a hush falls over the disciples, ears straining to capture every word. Heart pounding. History is changing and they are witnessing the God of the Universe stand before them.

He speaks but He preludes His command with a statement. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me"...Whatever He is about to say He is saying with every ounce of authority given to Him, whatever He is about to say He is declaring in all of His power, His might, His authority. He tells us to go and make disicples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them.

But there is more.

At the end of His command He adds something, something so beautiful it's hard to grasp, and if you aren't listening carefully you might miss it. With all authority in Heaven and on Earth He says "and behold, I will be with you always to the end of the age."

He is with us.
To the very end, He is with us. We have nothing to fear;
through the pain, the tribulation, the heartache... He is with us.
Through the joy, the celbration, and the success... He is with us.
Through the dark, through the desert, through the dry parched lands of this sinful world... He is with us.
And when the Eart is shaken and begins to crumble, when we are persecuted throughout the Earth, when the end of the age has come, even then...He is with us.

How unbelievably sweet a promise.
And those of us who know Him, know this Jewish man is in the buisness of fulfilling promises.
And He has made this promise with all authority given to Him.

The same Jesus who walked on stormy seas, the Jesus who fed five thousand, the Jesus who rebuked the storm, the Jesus whose eyes are like flames of fire and voice is like waters, who will come with a sword on clouds of fire, with thousands upon thousands of angels...this Jesus, with this authority
says "I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Truly, He is Immanuel - God With Us

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