At church today my Pastor taught us that sin means to "miss the mark" (the mark being God's will for every specific area of our lives). I miss this mark, the bullseye, constantly.
I'm lazy and don't spend my time doing what the Lord is calling me too.
Missed the mark.

I still struggle with addictions to lust...
and give in.
Missed the mark.
I need to save every last penny I have for missions... I buy the creme donut from Robins, its only .90cents after all.
Missed the mark.
I need to spend time with the Lord so I turn it into a checklist.
Missed the mark.
The list goes on and on, but the main arrow the Lord was trying to realign with the bullseye was my friendship with this woman. I could feel Him calling me to walk in freedom in this relationship, to walk in holyness...but I just didn't know how. I was trying with everything in me, kind of, and I just didn't know how to break free. I felt exhausted from fighting it.
But the Lord is good, and tonight while talking we experienced true freedom! We began spontaneously crying out to the Lord for help and for healing, praying over eachother and over ourselves. Jesus showed up in big ways and answered those prayers;
tonight we both looked at eachother as sisters in Christ for the first time...and in that moment the bonds broke & the chains smashed into pieces.
We began laughing and joyously praising Him.Sisters in Christ. SISTERS in CHRIST! This was the very first time we had looked at eachother as sisters. And it was beautiful. To love her, but love her rightly? What an amazing gift from the Lord! From the One who came to bind up the broken hearted and proclaim freedom to the captives: He worked out this verse in our friendship tonight and we are free, & free indeed.
For anyone of you out there struggling with a situation similar to this, get on your knees and ask the Lord to reveal the way you should see this other person. We are blind, and do not have the eyes to see...but ask and He will give them to you; then you will be able to watch as He transforms your love into something beautiful and holy, that brings Him all the glory.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
-Matthew 7:7
We Begin
let’s dance!
on stars!
oh lets sing it out across the milky way,
let’s spread it out across the sun
like a banner in the sky,
and speak of the day the Lord broke our chains,
gave us wings to fly.
Let’s soar above the sights,
you and I,
hearts and voices lifted high.
gloriously free.
Ohh and it’s a love like I’ve never known,
but I want to know it more,
want to dig my toes into the sand of its shore,
let it's soft cool waters run over my skin.
Gloriously free,
we begin.
I still have $3686 left to raise before July 13th. If you would like to donate and help support me please click on the tab to the top-right under the "Help Support Me!" subheading.
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Thank you for your generosity, for believing in and supporting me. <3
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