This morning, God wrote me a poem/song.
I've been feeling so guilty, so unworthy, so unlovable. But He is so faithful to show me His love over and over again. I am so overcome with the love of My God, My King, My Saviour. For those of you who don't know Him, forget everything you've ever heard and run, run to Him with everything you are, with everything you have. He is exactly what you have ALWAYS been searching for. Oh, dear hearts, I know the pain that lies there... The feeling of never being loved, of being broken. I know the tears, the cries, and the heartbreaking loneliness. And I know the things you've done to keep it at bay, yes I know that too. But He says, "Come to me, I will give you such sweet rest for your soul." Did you know you are precious to Him? Did you know He delights over you? Pursues you? Speaks tenderly to you?
I am not pulling this out of thin air, it says it in the Bible, none of those are my words.
Maybe, just maybe, someone has everything you're looking for. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find it in the arms of the one who died to have you.
Did you know that someone loved you that much? That He would die just to have you?
It's true sweet ones, it's so unbelievably, beautifully true. Come to Him, and find rest for your souls. Come to Him and find everything you are. Don't walk, run.
My Banner Over You Is Love
by God the Father and Jesus too
Beautiful because I am,
I've held you since the beggining and before the universe began.
My darling, I have loved you with an everlasting love,
that never grows tired or weary.
My little princess is what you are,
and from your side I'll never part.
I have loved you from the very start,
and of you, I'll never grow tired or weary.
You are mine, and so you'll always be,
and nothing you could do could seperate you from me,
and so lift your song and sing to me,
because of your voice, I never grow tired or weary.
And when My Kingdom comes,
we'll join together in song,
and I'll hold you close as we twirl along,
right here, in my arms is where you've always belonged,
right here in my heart, that never grows tired or weary.
And I remember the day I dreamed you up,
as beautiful as a flower and as soft as a touch,
I knew with everything I am that I'd love you so much,
and never grow tired or weary.
My darling, don't you know what I see when I look at you?
I see, a woman, a Princess, a bride
and I long for you to see it too,
to find the beauty, the fire that lies within you.
Come to me, I never grow tired or weary.
And Before the universe began,
I held your small sweet hands in my hands,
couldn't wait for your life to begin,,
so I could show my love to you.
And we'll be singing for all eternity, you and I,
You never needed wings to be able to fly,
no, in My love, I'll lift you on high,
and declare My Banner over you.
It is love.
It is everlasting love,
and of you, Yasemee Rosemay,
I never grow tired.
I never grow weary.
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