
Saturday, January 28, 2012

What Religion Has Come to Mean Today.

The "Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus" youtube video by Jefferson Bethke (link at bottom of page) recieved a HUGE global response; over 11 million views in just two weeks.
The majority of negative comments I've seen and heard are something along the lines of, "But he is a Christian, that is by definition a religion!"

According to religion is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Christianity obviously falls into this category, and no one could logically argue otherwise.

However, in the popular youtube video Jeffereson Bethke isn't discussing the denotion of the word religion, but it's connotation in this day and age. Religion, in casual conversation, has often been used as a synonym for words like judgment, self-rightousness, hypocrisy, ect.
I mean if someone came up to you and said, " I can't stand Beth, she's so religious." would you picture a kind, caring, devoted, graceful, humble girl who loved everyone including her enemies and tried not to judge because she knew she was also a sinner, all the while caringly sharing the word of God? Probably not. You probably picturing a judgmental, pushy, self-righteous girl who won't stop shoving the bible down your throat.

"Religion says DO, Jesus says DONE."
Many religious people often tell us to do something so that we might be recieved in the gates of heaven, STOP dressing that way, DON'T talk like that, PRAY for this long each day, GO to church every sunday...but the ultimate truth is this...

Only one act can send you into the kingdom of heaven or the gates of hell; coosing to accept or reject Jesus in your heart, as your saviour.

"See the Problem with religion is it never gets to the core. It's just behavior modification like a long list of chores."
It's true that becoming a believer means your behavior will be modified, but that isn't so that you will be worthy of God's love, it is because in Christ he already does love you! The bible tells us that the holy spirit gifts us with new desires and a new mind, and through these we DESIRE to do God's will, we DESIRE to be better and do better, to love more and love deeper, to give more and give fully. We don't do these things because they save us, we do them because God has saved us, and opened our eyes to the world and it's many lies.
When you stand before God to give an account for your life he isn't going to pull out a list of your life works and say,
Dressed modestly - Check
Never swore - Check
Prayed 2 hours a day - Check
Stayed Pure until marriage - Check

He will look into your heart... and it's there we should be looking for our salvation because that is where JESUS should reside, in our hearts.
And like the blood pumps through your heart to the rest of your body, so should Jesus and his teachings flow through your heart, and outwordly manifest in your life.

He died for you, in exchange for you... He died the death we all deserve and made the ultimate sacrifice. Because of him we can rejoice and be given new life, free from the pain and deceit and doubt of our life before.
And it really is such good, good news.

Click here to watch the youtube video "Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus".

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