
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hello from Vancouver!

So it's finally begun! I am currently sitting in an airport in Vancouver waiting for my next connecting flight, and by this time tomorrow I will be in Micronesia!

It's completely surreal and a little overwhelming that it's finally here, and I still have so many worries, doubts and fears. I'm trying to remember why I signed up for this in the first place... Why I willingly decided to leave everyone and everything I love behind and why I decided to fly across the world over the next two days. It's hard to remember sometimes; our minds cling so tightly to certain memories but so easily forget others, they become foggy as time passes, like something from a dream. I'm straining my mind to remember the night, the night I felt called.
And then it comes to me...

I had been crying, wailing really...wondering why I was created, wondering what my purpose is here, begging God to tell me His will for life. He answered through scripture and told me to go and bring His love to people who needed it, to people who hadn't experienced it yet.
A few weeks later Iris Ministries seemed to plop into my lap and I knew without a doubt I was supposed to go because going was EXACTLY what I didn't want to do. The last thing on Earth I wanted to do was go to Micronesia...but I could feel that nagging in my gut, and I knew this was what God wanted.

Sitting in this airport right now I am so thankful I made the right choice and didn't let my selfish desires get in the way. I have worries, I have fears, I have doubts... I have no idea what awaits me on this strange small island noone has ever heard of, and I also have no idea what awaits me when I get home...but as I think back to the night God told me to go, and as I think back to the smiling faces of the people I love I know one thing:

I am supposed to go and I am supposed to love, because someone came and gave up everything to love me. 
Not only that, but now I want to.


P.S. Isn't it the worst when you realize you were sleeping on the plane with your mouth open and drooling? Well it's way worse when you realize you were also babbling and yelling in your sleep! true story.

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